Today, The Two Mikes welcomed back Chad Stewart, the author of the Britfield series of novels -- and soon movies -- for middle-schoolers.
Mr. Stewart reported that the fourth book in his series -- titled Britfield and the Eastern Empire -- will be published in 2025, just as the lead characters -- Tom and Sarah -- reach age 15 and are learning the pros and cons of modernity as they are found in such things as AI and digital currencies. The first installment of seven Britfield movies also is scheduled to go into pre-production in November, 2026. Mr. Stewart noted that the movie will be set in the Christmas season. Mr. Stewart also said that the first three books in the series continue to do very well, and began to be published in Britain in June 2024. The books also are being translated and published in Polish; the first volume is already in book shops. Other foreign publishers are planning to publish the books in additional languages. Mr. Stewart said that the first three volumes of the series continue to sell well and are being used by teachers in an increasing number of schools -- now numbering in the thousands -- in the United States. Just as important, Mr. Stewart said that he continues to receive letters from parents explaining how much their middle-schoolers enjoy the books and how much they learn from them. Often, the parents also say how much they enjoyed the books. Mr. Stewart noted that he and his crew love hearing this kind of thing because the Britfield series is meant to provide a positive experience for children and families to help counteract many of the current books for youngsters which often feature negativity, poor conduct, and leave the child disconnected from reality, feeling less than what he or she is because of a lack of superpowers or some other non-existent attribute, and often poison young minds with cultism or other deranged ideas.
The websites for Mr. Stewart's Britfield projects are: and
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